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Formatting Check
CA$1.75 per page*
*Based on an average page length of 250 words
Hire an expert to check your paper's formatting.
What's included?
When you hire Magnum Proofreading for a Formatting Check, an expert will:
Check all aspects of your paper (excluding citations and references) for proper formatting, including margins, font size, line spacing, paragraph indentation, and much more
Ensure that all tables and figures are formatted and positioned properly
Make any required adjustments to your paper's table of contents, list of tables, and list of figures
Follow your preferred style guide—we check for APA, MLA, Chicago style, and more
The Formatting Check can be ordered as a stand-alone service by using the form below, or it can be combined with our Economic Proofreading Service, Standard Proofreading Service, or Premium Proofreading Service.
Place an Order
Please use the form below to place your order. After we review your order, you will receive an email with an official quote and the completion date for your project within 24 hours.
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